Έκδοση: 4.2 Freeware
Κατασκευαστής: Rod Macaulay
Κατηγορία: Document Accessibility
Αναπηρία: Low Vision - Speech Disability - Blindness
The WordTalk is an add-on for Microsoft's Word (word 97-word 2010) to send the text content to a textßtoßspeech application. It has spoken dictionary for better word choice. Disadvantage is that only supports SAPI 5 and uses the selected operating system’s voice, additional voices should be installed separately, only SAPI5 (free one is espeak). It has the ability to save text to WAV or MP3.
Λειτουργικό σύστημα: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 (μόνο 32bit).
Οδηγίες εγκατάστασης: It requires a .NET Framework from Microsoft to be installed, if not installed wordtalk will prompt you to install it. Download and run wordtalk.msi
Ρυθμίσεις: The WordTalk toolbar should appear beside the rest of the Word Toolbars at the top of the screen. If it does not appear, from the tag views select the wordtalk, if its not occur again, from the tools, templates, add-ins, click add and browse to select the wordtalk. From the additional toolbar created by wordtalk you can choose to listen: word, paragraph, sentence, selected proposal. From the tag configure, you can change speed and intensity of voice. To change the voice you have to do it from Windows (Start > Control Panel > Speech in Windows XP).
User Manual: WordTalkManual.
Κατέβασμα αρχείου: WordTalk-XP-4-2.zip (1.35 MB)
Εναλλακτική ιστοσελίδα λήψης: http://www.wordtalk.org.uk/Download/
Τελευταία ενημέρωση: 12/01/18 11:26