The software NoSquint allows adjusting zoom in level of text and images displayed in Mozilla Firefox browser. The rate of growth (zoom in) can be changed easily by pressing "CTRL" on the keyboard and the middle mouse button. The indication of the growth rate appears at the bottom right of the window. A typical advantage is the ability to remember the settings made on all pages, so to apply each time the user opens them back again.
Λειτουργικό σύστημα: Any operating system compatible with the web browser Mozilla Firefox.
Οδηγίες εγκατάστασης: installed automatically when download the file nosquint-2.0b6.xpi through the browser Mozilla Firefox. If the download is done from a different browser, open the browser Mozilla Firefox, on the File field, select Open File and select the previous file. Finally, click "Install Now" and restart the browser.
Ρυθμίσεις: The settings of the program are done from the menu Mozilla Firefox browser by clicking View, Zoom and then Setting (No Squint).